The Early Nights Club [London]

Sunday 05 December 2021
18:00 to 21:00

Following the recent successful launch of the first album by the newly-formed trio Whistlebow [], this is the second instalment of The Early Nights Club - combining early and folk music - with a 'house band' and guests. 

The Lovekyn Consort will play ballads and tunes from the Jacobean and Restoration theatre, using instruments copied from the period. Our programme will include both improvisation and composition, and will be quite informal. You can hear extracts from our first album here:


The Lovekyn Consort

Patricia Hammond - Voice

William Summers - Renaissance Flute, Recorder, Crumhorn

Stephen Carpenter - Renaissance Lute, Guitar

We will be joined by friends to play Bach, Scottish tunes and maybe more - keep an eye on The Early Nights Club page on Facebook!


Contact William
07949 652 315
Cecil Sharp House [in Storrow - downstairs], 2 Regent's Park Road
(view map)
Cost £12 in advance; £14 on the door.